Saturday morning dawned bright and warm and beautiful, and although we´d had rain for the past few days the streets were dry and the sun beamed brightly upon me and I made my way to the Iñaquito stake center. To get to the stake center I am required to take two buses, which take me to connecting streets on Calle Americas, and then I needed to walk about two blocks up a hill where the stake center is located comfortably in the corner of a very quiet and nice neighborhood. I hummed hymns in Spanish as I made my way to conference. And I thought how interesting it was that conference was such a big deal to me now!

Now for those of you who are wondering, my stake center is generous enough to set up a room for us English speakers. The chapel is devoted to the dubbed over Spanish version of conference (very weird to hear President Monson´s voice in Spanish…) but the Relief Society room was set up with a T.V and a channel in English. I feel very lucky that even though I am still so far away from home both conferences I’ve been to here I’ve been able to enjoy and listen to thoroughly in English. It makes me offer a prayer of gratitude for modern technology that makes it so that members of the church everywhere in the world are able to partake of the blessings of conference.
Before conference started I was startled to run in to a gringo missionary whom I know from the states. Elder Grange (picture) is from College Ward Utah, and his home ward is the same as my Grandparent´s and my Aunt and Uncle and cousins. Elder Grange and I had many things to catch up on and it was fun to see someone from home. He comes home in August!

My two favorite talks from Saturday would have to be President Eyring´s, and Elder Rafael Pino. Elder Eyrings struck me personally as he highlighted that there is a common things among all of us, Adversity. I really liked one thing that he said about how the very fact that we have adversity is evidence of our Heavenly Father´s love for us. It truly is an interesting way to look at it, but he points out that the disciple who accepts trials as an opportunity to grow will find peace and comfort during his afflictions. ´
Elder Pino, is in the Area of 70 presidency here in Ecuador. English being his second language he was very nervous to deliver his talk in front of the world in English. However I think and feel like he did a fabulous job! One thing he said really stuck with me, “living the gospel doesn´t mean we will escape adversity. Rather we will be prepared to face adversity with confidence”.
I was also very impressed and motivated by all the talks about getting to the temple, doing temple work, going to the temple, preparing to enter the temple, and setting specific goals to get there regularly.

President Monson reminds us to be of good cheer, to turn away from troubles and focus on your blessings as a member of the church, and as we make the Gospel the center of our lives we will be able to face our challenges and rise triumphantly. However, I must say Jeffrey R. Holland´s brought tears to my eyes as I felt like he was speaking directly to me. As he spoke of the Lonliest journey ever made I couldn´t believe how comforted I felt. Knowing that those feelings of loneliness have been felt by some one else, when you think no one understands. I learned that someone does understand, and because Jesus walked that path, I don´t have to.

I am so grateful for this gospel, for the blessings it brings in to my life. And for the assurance, and the confidence I have because I am a member of this church. I love each and every one of you, and I thank you for your prayers, love and support! Until next time!
1 comment:
Hey Sweetie
I think I will be just fine waiting for the Ensign to come out because you took such good notes!
Thank you... thank you for being you and sharing your testimony with those around you ! I love you so very much!
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