I was very sad that Ecuador didn’t do the Egg, and egg dying tradition. So my mom sent me my own egg dye! It was super fun, and Hermana Rose and I had a blast coloring fun eggs. Turns out the brown ones make a really pretty antique looking color, while the white ones turned out more bright and vibrant! It was super lots of fun! And brought a little bit of “home” to Ecuador as we colored eggs.

Anyway, because of this the Senior missionaries planned an Easter dinner, with Ham and Potatoes, and Fruit salad and pies, etc.etc. it was a fabulous Easter dinner and I was grateful to once again be surrounded by members of the Church. Hermana Rose also planned an easter lesson where we had eggs and inside there were symbols which each represented something from the Easter story. It was very spiritual and I was grateful for the opportunity to reflect on the true meaning of Easter, and to feel closer to my Savior without the distractions of commercialism. We also watched a beautiful Easter video, that had pictures of Christ´s life, played with music.

Because of the timing, I think it is important that I share my testimony with each one of you. I felt a little jipped yesterday because the theme of the Glorious Resurrection was not even mentioned at church. However, I am so grateful for the Easter season and all that it represents to us as members of the Church. I have a testimony of the atonement, and the fact that through it we all can be saved, as eternal families, and be resurrected just like our older brother Jesus Christ. I know that he lives, and he is real. He´s not just a figure of our imagination, or something we wish to believe in. he is real, and he loves me. He has held me in times of utter loneliness and has wiped away my tears as I’ve cried unto him for forgiveness for things I wish I wouldn´t have done. His gospel is my life, and my light. It has molded me into the person that I am today, and because I have it in my life I know I am never alone, that I have constant guides, and companionship as I trudge through the rocky path of life. I know that the Gospel is true, every part of it, and it´s through its truthfulness we have a bright future in front of us. I´ve felt the darkness of sin in my life, but I’ve also felt the peace of knowing that I can be clean again, because of what Jesus Christ did for all of us, and I know that just like he atoned for each one of you, he atoned for me. This Easter season I had the opportunity to really focus on the true meaning of Easter, and I felt closer to my Savior than I have ever in my life. I will remember forever the Easter that I spent in Ecuador, because it was yesterday as I looked at pictures of Christ´s life, and I felt his spirit, that I received a witness and a testimony that he lives! That he loves me! And that I am NEVER alone.
Until next time!
Love Em!!!
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