Hello Everyone. Today as i look out across the city, it´s a beautiful sun shiny day. The city is all a hustle and bustle again after the weekend and everyone is off to work and school. Everyone that is, except me! Last Wednesday I drug myself out of bed with the motivation of “Emily you only have three weeks of classes left, you can do it!” well when I got to school on Wednesday I was talking to my friend Lorena who informed me that Friday was going to be the 6to courses last day of normal classes!!!! I asked why and Lorena said that it was because they had three weeks of free study, and then a month of exams and then after that because they are seniors they don´t need to return to normal classes.

When Friday came it was a very bitter sweet feeling. I mean, I was thrilled to not have to wake up so early any more, and put on my uniform, and sit through boring classes, but at the same time it was weird to be done. To watch another part of my life come to an end, and know that I’ll never get it back. Yes these past few months at school have not been the most exciting, but they were still part of my Ecuador experience…and with it ending that means my Ecuador experience is almost at an end. Which, just admit is downright crazy!
I took tons of pictures with classmates, said goodbye to teachers, and walked around the school one last time. (i´m sure if I REALLY wanted to I could always go back and visit…) but when the bell rang at 1:40 on Friday I walked away from part of my Ecuador Experience. It´s always a weird feeling on Graduation day. You´re excited to be done with Highschool, to move on to more exciting things, but then it´s also sad because you´ll be leaving a part of you behind. Well I did that all last year in May, and then I did it again this year, and I don´t suggest doing it twice. It´s just as hard the second time…

Then on Saturday we had an Xplorer trip. And we went to Papallacta. Don´t worry this time I was VERY careful and reapplied sun screen (spf 70) many times. Of course I still got sun, but not near as bad as last time. And the only part that really fried were my thighs. So, life is definitely good!

On our way to the Hot springs, we stopped to take pictures. The vegetation on the way to Papallacta always amazes me. It really looks like the mountains in Idaho. But much bigger! We had tons of fun! And after we ate at a restaurant there by the pools. It´s always fun to get out of Quito and explore!

And so that brings me to this week, because I got out of school so much earlier than I planned I offered to help at the OSSO orphanage two days a week. I am excited to start that. Also next week I am going to the jungle with Josh and Melanie! Which will be sooooooooooo much fun! I am excited to get out of Quito! Haha. But other than that, school is out and I am a free woman! It makes me feel not so guilty about changing my plane ticket home a month early. I think I can handle two months of nothing to do, but three might just about do me in! haha, however anyway…I will live it up, I promise!
Love you all
1 comment:
Congrats on graduating...again. I hope you enjoy every minute of your time remaining there!
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