The past little while, i´ve been kindof going stir crazy. I´m not doing anything in classes right now except for reading, or writing stories, or finding other ways to occupy my time, and so i´ve been a little stressed out. You all know me, I have to be involved in doing something, or I absolutely get bored. I´m not a super good relaxer…i´m a go go go kindof girl. And so through some loving council from my mom we´ve been trying to decide what I can do to fill in some time. She encouraged me to enjoy reading a novel because once I hit college I won´t have time. She advised writing a story or brain storm ideas for children´s stories. We´ve decided that in order to get in everything I still want to I need to plan in advance, (something Ecuadorians don´t believe in) and jam my schedule full of things to do.
I´ve been contemplating changing my return date home for about a month early. It´s come up in quite a few conversations between me and my parents lately, and the subject still remains an issue as I try to decide what I want to do with the next part of my life. However those are all way to deep of subjects to blog about so I thought I would share about my fun week so far!

Monday Hermana G. and I found some Campbell’s Tomato Soup, and Velveeta Cheese slices! Now here in Ecuador, if you see something yummy you have to get it at that moment, because if not they don´t restock so we splurged and make ourselves grilled cheese sandwiches, and tomato soup. (My favorite lunch) Now we calculated and decided that considering import taxes and tarrifs, and the rarity of the meal, the $1.50 meal (if that) in the states, suddenly became about a $7.00 meal here in Quito. Crazy I know!
FHE Monday night was also fantastic. Elder and Hermana Curtis prepared a lesson about the Draper temple open house! I can´t believe that just when I get back, after being gone a year there will be two new temples in Utah! Craziness…but they read President Monson´s dedicatory prayer, and it was beautiful.

Tuesday I went over to Elder and Sister Rose´s to learn how to make fudge! We had tons and tons of fun, and Melanie and Owen came also. The Fudge turned out great! Especially for the first time making it in Ecuador. We also ate Chicken Enchiladas with the Rose´s. After we got done making fudge Elder Rose walked me out to get a taxi, we ended up waiting the longest I’ve ever had to wait, about 20 minutes. People kept walking out of the buildings and jumping right in front of us and we would go to get in the cab. I think Elder Rose was pretty agitated.
Wednesday I met Owen and Melanie and we went on a walk to a really cute yummy little restaurant. Then we went back to Melanie´s house to play with Owen. Traffic was bad coming home because of another Futból game here in Quito. Ecuador vs. Paraguay. However when I was on the bus I couldn´t help but feel a little bit of the Ecuadorian sprit as we listened to the game. When we made a goal I thought the bus would tip over from all the excitement on the bus!
Now that brings me to today…well I drug myself out of bed way to early for my taste so that I could get to school. Only to get there, and not find a single soul in my class. They had all decided not to come to school today, and everybody had neglected to tell me…and so I was a little ticked off but decided to take the morning to updated my blog, and emails. (one day I might get used to this country!)
Anyway! It´s almost conference weekend which I am sooooooooo excited about! I will go to the stake center to watch it, and they have a broadcast in English just for us! So excited. Can´t believe it´s already spring conference!!! (last year I was in DC) weird..
Entonces, eso es todo! I love you all have a GREAT day, week, month, year, whenever it is you read this! And remember that I am thinking about each and everyone of you! Thank you for your prayes and support!
No grilled cheese & tomato soup! My mind is made up I am never moving there!!!
It's funny how important familiar foods become when you're away from home. We'd never pay that much for grilled cheese and soup in the U.S., but it's so worth it when you can't have it. :) I hope all your plans work out for you.
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