I´ve often heard the saying “The Lord Works in Mysterious Ways” but, it wasn´t really until I moved to Ecuador that I understood what that saying meant. This week in particular I have two stories I’d wish to use to illustrate my point.
First, Saturday with nothing to do Gabi and I decided to go to the Market. We boarded the Ecovia and headed south. About half way through our journey a man boarded the Ecovia who looked a little sketchy. Gabs was in the middle of a really intense story so she didn´t notice any thing odd, but for some reason I had the distinct feeling to “watch out for that guy” with one ear listening to Gabi´s story, I kept an eye on the stranger for the rest of the trip. When we went to get off I noticed he was getting off to, and so just to be safe I told gabs to wait to get off, and we´d go after him. Well sure enough he got off and we followed. The crowd of people headed towards the doors, and I had the feeling to just stay tight, and not move yet. Well the crowd thinned out and I realized that he wasn´t going any where, he was watching to see what we did. Well we hung back and watched him pretend to read a notice on the bulletin board, (I doubt he could even read). Then gabs and I started panicking! What could we do? He was totally blocking the exit making it so that we couldn´t leave?! Well so then I walked up to the ticket lady and I explained to her what was going on, she helped us sneak out the entrance, all while our strangers back was still turned.
Now we will never really know what would have happened if I had not been paying more attention, but as it was gabi and I made it safely away with out anything happening. He probably wouldn´t have done anything right by the Ecovia, but he probably would have waited until we were walking alone down one of the side streets. As it was, I am sooooooo grateful to be watched out for!
Next story, so…yesterday on my way to church I took the bus. As I was waiting for the bus I noticed a man walk from the same direction in which I live. He had blonde hair and blue eyes, so that´s what caught my attention, anyway a bus came and I didn´t realy think any more about it. Well I got off on the corner by my church, and I started to cross the street. The light was red and so traffic was stopped. Well about half way across the cross walk, a car came speeding out of nowhere, and there was no way it was going to miss me. I was terrified, and I was like “I can´t die in Ecuador!!!!” anyway, then someone pulled my arm out of the way just in time, and I recognized him as the Blondie from my corner. (however he is one of those weird people from Ecuador that speak only Spanish, but have blonde hair and blue eyes) He started asking me if I was alright…etc.etc. And kept walking with me. Well then he asked me where I was going, I said i´m headed to church. After asking me which church I was headed to I explained to him I was going to the “Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints” he seemed interested and then said, that he was headed to work. After a few more seconds of silence he said “When are you going to invite me to your church?” after a stunned second of silence I said, “Well today of course” he then expressed regret that he had to work and couldn´t make it. I asked him about next Sunday where he said he always had to work Sundays…well then I took a deep breath and asked him if he would like to speak to the missionaries from my church. They could come to his house, and tell him things about our church, answer questions, and teach him. He was thrilled, and gave me his name and number, address, and times that it would be good to call him.
I walked away…utterly amazed! Isn´t it interesting how some people just walk right into our arms just waiting to hear the gospel?
Love, Em
Emily Ann-
You be careful!! I am glad that you listened to the spirit and got the heck out of dodge!! Oh my heck I would die in a situation like that!!! I am so glad you thought through that!!
Wow that is crazy! Love you!
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