Friday, February 20, 2009

Nine Students...Nine Different Dreams...

Hey Everyone! Today I had a few minutes to spare for the first time all week so I entered two new blogs…so make sure you read this one, and the one below it. Wouldn´t want you to miss out on anything…but for our readers that have a short attention span I decided to make two entries to keep everyone´s attention on track. Haha. Jk.
This week was good. Kinda crazy and busy, but very rewarding…I know there is still one more day to this week but I wanted to blog now, before I lost the ideas that I have had swimming around in my head for a while.
This week once again I came down with an awful cold starting Sunday night I had a sore throat and into the week the symptoms progressed into just well…a clogged up head and stuffy nose. School flowed by quickly…and I honestly can´t believe that once again it is a Friday night. It feels nice to not have much going tonight, being so sick and tired it´s nice to relax and do one of the funnest things I know…blog…haha.
Thursday I had my first Primary Presidency Meeting. Through the week I had brainstormed ideas, I had sent urgent “help me” emails to many well experienced primary workers, and I had come up with some fairly genius ideas…haha jk. But some ideas that I felt like could greatly benefit our small but spiritual primary. As I presented each idea for reverence, or for motivating memorization of scriptures etc.etc. the Sisters ate it all up with enthusiasm. And after an hour we all felt much better about things. I came home with a design to make a “reverence meter” something that I remember being used in primary when I was little. I started off to work and just as I was beginning Brian came over and I put him to work helping me. By the end, we had created this masterpiece…!!! Hehe I am pumped can you tell? I am so very grateful for the opportunity to serve in the primary. When I was talking to the Primary President about how I was feeling a little inadequate for the job she told me about how when she put my name in for the bishop. She had seen me playing with some children after sacrament meeting the Sunday she had been called. And she knew right then that she wanted to work with me, except that she was new in the ward and didn´t even know my name, so when she talked to the bishop about me she had to describe me as the young north American girl…I laughed at that, and then she said, no Emily I know you are the one for this job, and the children will be blessed to have you for just the short amount that we have you. And so with new motivation I planned and prepared my sharing time and CTR lesson for Sunday. Tomorrow (Saturday) is my first primary activity…I am so excited!I was talking to Maggie today at school. She has kinda been having a rough go at it, and I just kindof started to talk about all nine of us. And how we are all here, in Ecuador, in the same program doing the same thing, and yet each of us will get off the plane in the states having learned different things and taken out of this different lessons. I talked about how though all of us came with one same motive “to learn Spanish” once we all got here we each realized we would be learning much more than just Spanish. We talked about each of our “bucket lists” so to say here in Ecuador, and how I know that when I get off the plane in SLC I want to have the sense and the feeling that I accomplished all that I needed to while I was here. I explained to her that this was the experience of a life time, and if you chose to, it could really change your life. Not only can it teach you independence but seeing and living some other culture´s life really opens your eyes and makes you appreciate and want your own culture.
My motive for coming here was to learn Spanish, and because I “just felt that it was right” and I know some people will sigh and roll their eyes at that, but, it´s true…I came out of pure inspiration and a goal in mind. But once I came here I realized that learning Spanish was just the beginning of the mission that I was expected to perform here. I realized once I came here that me teaching and being an example of the gospel not only to my fellow exchange students but also to almost everyone I came in contact with was not just pure fate, but divine intervention. And having that knowledge gives me the faith, and the courage to express how I feel and to find the right words to say. Each of us nine students, although here doing the same thing, are each performing different miracles and different dreams each day. And it´s incredible to me, how we each continue to bless each other´s lives…usually without knowledge to one or the other. I truly to believe that God´s hand was in the selection of the students, the selection of where each of us were put, and most importantly the selection of where I am right now in my life. I take full responsibility of knowing that I very well right now could be planting the seed of faith in the people that I meet each and every day. And although I know I won´t convert them before I leave in july, I only hope that in years down the road when they are confronted by the missionaries…they will listen.
My only prayer is that, as each of my nine new friends continue out their own separate dreams here in Ecuador, that they will be accomplishing everything that I know they are capable of doing.
I encourage each of you, whether they be big or small to go after your dreams…don´t just dream them, but make them happen. I know that we each can do what ever we set our minds to. To some, me coming to Ecuador was just another one of my un realistic goals…but I made It happen…and I am here. And that really just goes to show…that the impossible, is possible!
Thank you for all your love and support! Wish me luck on my primary activity…and Carnival this long weekend….as a side note, check out Hermana G´s blog…, and learn about all the crazy stuff that´s going on here with the weather…it´s been raining so much all major roads are closed off, and basically all traffic out side of quito is shut down! It´s a mess…and knowing Ecuadorian time, who knows when things will be repaired!...haha…Carnival is this weekend and Monday and Tuesday…i´ll fill you in on how that goes! Thanks for all your love and support!
Emily Ann Zilles

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