Sunday, February 15, 2009


Hey Everyone! I thought i would add these two new pictures, that go along with what i did with the rest of my Valentine’s day. The one picture is me in front of the Virgin Mary, on the panicillo hill. i went up there with my valentines date, and it was beautiful! i absolutely was blown away by its beauty. The second one is on Calle Ronda, one of the oldest historical streets in Quito. And the drink i am holding in a non alcoholic cider de Mora! haha.
Today was a rainy cold Sunday and very overwhelming. When i arrived at church today i was cornered by the Bishop, who asked if he could speak to me for a minute. When we were situated in his office, he asked me if i would be willing to accept the calling as the Second Counselor in the Primary Presidency. I was very surprised, but i said yes, and i was called and set apart today! Primary here is very different. There is about 20 kids in our primary and so they just divide them up into three classes. The members of the primary presidency are also the teachers of these classes. Also i am the only one who knows how to lead music, so i also became the music leader.
The presidency is awesome, but because i am a good 25 years younger than both of the other sisters i feel very inadequate. When the Bishop set me apart however he blessed me with the ability to not have a language barrier any more. That i will be able to teach, and love, and bless the children of the primary in the Spanish language with ease and understanding.
The primary children sang me the Welcome to Primary song, and they all gave me abundant hugs and kisses as welcome presents...they are beautiful children, and although i know this is a huge responsibility, i know that in the six months i have left here in Ecuador, and Colon ward i will love those kids so much.
i am still completely overwhelmed, but i know i am not alone. As I looked out over the children, I remembered all my primary memories, and how much I loved primary! And how when I graduated from primary I hated YW´s because I always wanted to be a primary kid. The children are the rising generation of the Gospel, and they are so brilliant and so excited to be at church and to learn, it´s a contagious spirit! However I still ask for your prayers and support as I start on this next part of my journey!
I love you guys…have a GREAT day!
Love, Emily


Anonymous said...

i want to see the oldest street in ecuador!! i know primary will be good who's better to learn from than kids like me


Kenia Soares said...

Nice blog!

Anonymous said...

You will be fabulous in Primary! I can't think of a better person to do the job! I am so proud of you for accepting such a big responsiblility! I know Heavenly Father will bless you greatly! love, Mom
PS They still have to let you come home...

Amber said...

Sounds like you are doing great! You will have a lot of fun in Primary! I have been the chorister in ours since August and it is such a fun calling. I think that is what Heidi is actually doing right now too.