Friday, February 20, 2009

A Grandma´s Prayer....

My Family in the states always continues to amaze me, almost every week I am surprised by a call from Xplorer informing me that yet another package has found its way to the office for me! Today´s trip to xplorer rewarded me with three packages! One from each of my amazing grandma´s and one from my mommy. Although each contained yummy goodies, fun surprises, and many valentine wishes,(and of course $$$$) the one from Grandma Norma touched me the most. Not that the messages held in the others didn´t affect me, but Grandma Norma stuck a letter in her card that moved me to tears. And I thought I would share it with you guys, as a sense of motivation.
When making choices in life…
Do not neglect to live
Look at what appears to be impossible
Then change your beliefs
Every obstacle is an opportunity
Each place along the way is somewhere you had to be, to be there
Live the live you imagined
The only limits we have
Are the limits we believe
There is no stress in the world
Only people thinking stressful thoughts
A ship in a harbor is safe, but that´s
Not why ships are built
What you have become is the result
Of what you have thought
Leap….and a net will appear
It is said that aerodynamically bees aren´t supposed to fly…
Fortunately no one told them
Smile if you want a smile from another face
There are no such things as strangers
Only friends you haven´t met yet
Is your time spent desiring
Or is your time spent taking steps toward desires?
If you think the world is a dark place
You are blind to the light
That may illuminate your life
In the context of eternity time doesn´t matter.
I don´t know where Grandma Norma found that, but it really touched me, (more that the money) and I realized that all of those statements are true…no matter what journey each of us our facing, I hope that we aren´t just “desiring” but that we are taking steps each day towards those desires.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Always remember... that is not why ships are built!" So proud of you and your desire and ability to accomplish your goals! Love you always , MOM