About 3:00 in the morning this morning I woke up suddenly to loud banging music, shouts of laughter mixed with slurs of words I didn´t understand, and clinking glasses. I had called it an early night the night before and so to wake up to so much racket really confused me. Well I decided it must just be my host brother and friends and I put some primary songs on and tried to fall back asleep. When I woke up at 6:30 this morning to get ready for church I listened closely and thought the racket had passed, until about five minutes later it all started up again. I stepped out of my room utterly confused and my brother Heis was standing there, he swooped me up in to a big hug, and then got down on one knee and wished me a “Feliz Dia de la Mujer…” I must have looked perplexed because he kept rambling on trying to explain to me what was going on. I got something out of it like, “Estoy muy barracho, tengo chuchaque….mumble mumble mumble.” ( which translated means I am very drunk, and will be SO hung over….)

Well I started to get a little uncomfortable so I went to inspect the front room, where I found a whole bunch of strange people and in the midst of them my host mom and sister. I was greeted with many slurred and un comprehendible “good mornings”, and I was introduced to all the strangers. Well I found refuge in the bathroom as I showered and got ready for church. As I was getting ready to go I had to walk again through the front room, where as if I hadn´t been in there a few minutes before I was again regreeted with “good mornings” and I was also re introduced to everyone in the room…no one remembered a thing!

I left for church mortified because the Elder´s were coming this afternoon to finally talk to my family…so I went to church…(which is a different story) and I came back and I set to work cleaning as rapidly and thoroughly as I could. I had just finished the kitchen, and the alcohol smell had started to be overpowered by cleaning supplies and dish soap when my mom rolled out of bed. I was like…there is no way she´ll understand anything the Elder´s say…so I started to pray that a miracle would happen. About that time my phone rang and Elder Scott was on the other line. He said that the Ap´s couldn´t come today because of something that had come up and they were super sorry, and hoped to call and make a new appointment.
So at first I was really really upset! But then I realized it was probably for the better…today in my house there´s a ton of drunk passed out strange people, and my mom is still in an odd funny mood. But I also know that Satan is working really hard against me and against them as they prepare to hear a message that will change their lives….

Now all of that taken care of…my week…?¿?¿? well… on Thursday I went bowling with Xplorer. (the pictures) now…I love bowling…I am still quite horrible at it, but when it comes down to it, I actually quite like it! ( I was taught to love it) well my first few (what are they called…rounds? Throws? Rolls? Whatever…) I was awful, I had gutter ball after gutter ball or only hit a few here or a few there, and then I started to kick butt! Brian was winning, by a LOOOONG shot, but when I kicked it into gear I totally kicked his butt along with everyone else´s! it was awesome….
Friday night I spent at the house of some friends from Institute. They are the coolest family. Both of the parents were born and raised Otavalans and they wear their traditional dress and everything! So much fun, we pulled out some mattresses and stayed up all night watched “Pride and Prejudice” ( the long….long….long…A&E version) but it was fun, and I hadn´t had a real sleep over like that In quite a while.
Church today was great! We had a GREAT improvement in the primary! We called an HLJ teacher today. She is my age, and so cute! And so excited to have a calling with the kids. This also makes my life easier and I am no longer second councilor, CTR teacher, and song leader! Right now we are learning a fun new song, and it´s always stuck in my head!
I also joined the ward choir and we are preparing some pieces for ward conference which is the 21 and 22 of this month! So that will be fun, but when I tried out my voice I was put in one song on tenor, another in alto…but it is lots of fun!

If there´s one thing I learned about these sweet Ecuadorians it´s that they LOVE to partay….there is a party occasion for EVERYTHING! It´s very interesting….and I just learn to grin and bear it…haha
Well I love you all, thank you for your love and support as another week has come and gone! I thank you for your prayers, and your thoughts!
Un abrazo Fuerte!
1 comment:
I love your countdown. I am glad you got it figured out!! I took all those clothes home to wash becasue we just have washer and dryers to share with the whole complex and they stink. And they take a lot a quarters. Did I hear that you are moving to twin falls when you get home or is that just a rumor? Love ya!
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