Buenas Tardes a todo el mundo!!!!
Saturday again??? wow...I can hardly express how fast time seems to just fly by here...I know I have mentioned that before, (in almost EVERY blog post...but it just doesn´t seem to slow down. It´s so crazy!!! Entonces...
As a goal to myself, with only three months left to go, I decided that not a single Saturday would go wasted. There is just not enough Saturdays left until July 15th to simply not do anything Ecuadorian. So...I decided I needed to take matters into my own hands and I planned a day to go to the Mitad Del Mundo. I have been before, (remember with maritza) but we didn´t get a chance to do all the cool things you are able to do there, so I wanted to go back. Originally many more people were going to go with me, but in the end it was just Gabi, me, Brian, and Gabi´s brothers.
We headed out on the bus, which was fabulous if I do say the least...(haha) but from this picture i am sure you can see what really happened. Yep, i sat on gum.

I mean really, who puts gum on the bus seat as a practical joke!!!!??? now i have to figure out how to get gum off of my favorite pants!!! grrr...but anyway, I didn´t let it affect my day!
We arrived in Mitad del Mundo about 11:00. It was a beautiful day to be at the center of the world. I learned today that the monument, as seen in this picture,

really doesn´t mark the real equator!!! The line, that we stand to take pictures at,

We also found ourselves looking at ugly insects and beautiful butterflies, and spiders the size of my fist...it was creepy, but very "educational". After a lunch of mora ice cream, and a hamburger for a dollar, we set off to the Museum Intiñan. Which is where the "real" equator is located. It was soooo neat, they had all this authentic indian stuff, and a tour guide, and some really cool tests that you could do on the equator. We learned how to tell time from the position of the sun, and we balanced an egg on a nail.

we learned that becuase of it´s position, the equator makes it so that when the hot air and the cold air comes together there isn´t hurricanes, or cyclones, it simply just balances out. (for some reason i picture when Moses parted the REd SEa I don´t know why....) we watched how right on the equator, the water goes straight down a drain, with out spinning in any direction, in the east the water turns in a clock wise circle, and on the west the water will turn counter clock wise. ( i think i remembered that right...???)
we also learned cool things about indiginous people. for example, they lived in these little tomb like huts. when they died they would be put in these large pots, to be burried. if the person happened to be important his whole family was killed along with him. and they were all burried in these big scary pots. I also learned the meaning of quite a few words. for example. Totum pole. TO=Earth, TUM=Protection. or Intiñan. INTI=Path, and ÑAN=Sun Sun path. Also Quito. QUI=Center, TO=Earth. all in different contexts of course. so that was quite interesting!

and so...it was quite a fabulous day!!! and i can check one more thing off the list of things i MUST do before i leave to home...which is soooooooo soon! yikes! the rest of my week was good too, i met up with lucia again which was fun! it´s so fun to have her here! and other than that life just continues to roll on, way too quickly!
Cynthia turns ten tomorrow...and i can´t beleive it!!! So i end this with saying FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS mi Naña!!! and i hope you all have a Fabulous week also!
until next time
ps for more pictures check out my facbook pics!!!
was this your first time at the Inty Nan museum? Isn't it fun?! We were there just last Saturday with josh's g-ma for the Spring Equinnox, but there was no sun out! (did I tell you that alread??) Anyway, good job at remembering all the details of things! Did you get a certificate for balancing the egg? Did you like the shrunken head? As for the water spinning, I think you meant north and south, not east and west. If it was east and west you'd still be on the equator. :) But I think it spins to the left on the north side, and to the right on the south side? I know I have video of it somewhere on my blog from back in October. Hope you have lots more fun Saturdays!!!
I loved it, once agian! I always say that, I know! Fun pictures and so much "educational" stuff! Sorry about the gum.Google how to get it off! It will tell you what to do!
Love YOU!
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