Hey Everyone…
Wow…another week has come and gone, I can´t believe it! Saturday found me in Cumbaya. A town where people from Quito would say is considered the “country”. To me I was reminded of Logan. So relatively smaller than Quito, but a town built around the university “Sanfransico”.

Personally I loved it, it was quiet, a ton warmer than Quito and I found myself wondering why I couldn´t just stay there…haha. As it was I was there to celebrate the first birthday of Samantha Anabel Mora. (Anabel the Bishops daughter) I rode up to Cumbaya with Bishop Mora and his wife early in the morning to start the preparations for the feast. We made a “Colorful rice” with peas, and carrots, and chicken, and lots of other veggies. We also made a ton of appetizers, and cakes. It was a fun day as I got to know Hermana Gabby more, and her family. Personally I was blown away by the carrots I was put in charge of cutting. As you can see from my picture, it was literally as big as my head!

The party that night went great! Poor Anabel though was sick, so she wasn´t very happy. But we managed to get a few fun pictures before she zonked out. Bishop made a slide show of pictures of her first year, and it was so much fun!
My Sunday didn´t go as well as planned. Lorena, nor my family ended up going to church with me, but with patience and perseverance I know that one day they will be brought unto the light that I know will change their lives. Right now I just have to be a good example and show un conditional love. (even though their naughty habits drive me up the wall)

Life in Ecuador is going well…but seeing as in class only my presence is required and really nothing more I´ve gone back to my old study habits…becoming a book worm. Right now the books that have once again caught all my attention are Harry Potter. My new motto is who needs men when you have Harry? Certainly all problems are solved as you engross yourself in the pages of mystery and adventure in Hogwarts along with Harry, Hermione and Ron.
Life is great! Perfect and wonderful! I am still so eternally grateful for the decision I made to come to Ecuador. The experiences I have here daily change my life, and make me a better person. As I turn to my Savior for strength, and siguir adelante I know that everything in this life happens for a reason, and even though we may not realize it now…all our trials, and mountains that we climb are all for our own good. I love Ecuador, and it´s the most bitter sweet feeling to think about leaving all this behind soon.(so I just don´t think about that…)
Thank you for all your prayers, and support!
Love Em
I'm glad you have Harry to keep you company. :) I don't remember if I've commented on your blog before. I'm American, but my husband is from Ecuador and I've been there twice. It's great to come to your blog and see photos of Ecuador, as well as getting to know you. Hope you don't mind that I happened onto your blog, but I come back and visit. :)
Hey Sis
Loved your blog ..again! So fun you have a follower that you dont know( hi Valerie). I can't believe how fast the time is flying! I have like 5 more weeks of After School Club! Wow! Then Summer School and then Emmy!
All MY Love
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