Wow…Good morning everyone. I can´t believe over a week has gone by since my last blog post….I’ve got a few things to catch up on. The only question is where to start…hmm…ok so last Saturday, Gabi and I went with the Ottosens to Otavalo. Otavalo is about an hour and a half, two hours out side of the city of Quito. Driving there in our bus I felt like I had crossed the world and back. We crossed so much vegetation diversity, it was insane. We went from dry sierra, to green jungle, back to what I think resembles Idaho. (haha kinda…) The greenery results from growing crops such as corn, and roses, and all other sorts of vegetables. Since it was January I of course was amazed there was corn. Corn was growing in all stages, from short, to tall and everything in between.
Upon arrival at the terminal in the small city of otavalo. (otavalo is about the size of Provo, it has about seven wards and two stakes.) We headed into the center of town where there is a huge plaza. The Plaza is set up for the market, where the indigenous people bring their hand make crafts to sell. It was amazing. So many colors, and beautiful things. They sell for very cheep too, which kinda makes you sad because you know how hard they work. It´s fun to sit and watch them weave the hand made sweaters out of yarn, or twist the wires to make beautiful necklaces. I ended up buying a hand carved nativity scene, and some necklaces. However if you´d like to put a special word in I am returning to otavalo at the end of this month and i´d love to pick up something for you.
Otavalo sits at the base of a big volcano, which you can see from my pictures, and then at the base of the volcano is a lake. The city stretches out over the lake. The city has been renovated over the years to attract tourists, but you still get the feel of small town Ecuadorian life as you walk the cobble stone streets. The people all wear their traditional dress, with long beautiful black braids. I guess tradition is that the longer your braid the better a person is. For example if you sin, your braid gets chopped off, so you can tell the good boys versus the bad boys. It was fun to be there with the O´s, because the are well known. And we were often offered special prices because we were members of the church.
My day in otavalo was the perfect way to end the Christmas break…I couldn´t believe the two weeks had already come and gone…and mostly I couldn´t believe that I had survived!
Well week one back to school came and went. I went into the new year with a whole bunch of goals to do better, etc.etc. I really tried to focus and be “smart”. (haha) I´ve just decided it is a dang good thing that my grades don´t count. Also as I mentioned in my last blog (or two blogs ago) I refuse to surrender my size five pants. So my mom and I made up some fitness goals, (my mom in the states…she´s kinda strict haha) anyway…so i´ve been trying to keep to those goals too. However I do kinda have a funny story about it. It´s been pouring rain all week this week, so I haven´t been able to exercise outside. So I decided to try the parking garage down stairs. Well on Tuesday I went down stairs, to run laps around the garage. I didn´t want to lug aroung my big set of keys so I just brought the house ones, but not the ones to get back into the apartment building. (I am sure you can see where this is headed) well I was just running away, and I didn´t realize that the door that I had left propped open for my benefit suddenly had gotten closed. Well I ran over to it to go up and get ready to go to institute and I realized that I was officially locked in the parking garage. It was about 4:45 in the afternoon, all those who normally return for lunch had gone back to work and my family doesn´t usually get home until about eight or nine at night. So I sat there wondering what to do…after about fifteen minutes I heard peoples voices coming from about the fourth floor. So then I just had to get up enough courage to yell up to them. So I sat for about another five minutes mustering up enough courage to yell for help. Well I started yelling “ayudame porfavor!” and no one answered…so then I just started yelling “porfavor!” after about five minutes of yelling someone finally answered back and I explained what happened. He came down and let me in, but I decided it was smart to always carry a cell phone, and ALL of my keys.
I am alittle worried about my sweet Cynthia and my grandma. It´s hard to be so far away from those you love when they are hurting…I know I couldn´t do anything even if I was there…but it´d sure be reassuring if I could just give them a hug.
Well I hope you are all having a grand and exciting January! (oh p.s. I ate watermelon! In January! How coolio is that?!!!) I love you all…and stay posted for the next grand and exciting adventures of a blonde…lost in Ecuador…
Hasta luego,
I am not strict! I still love ya! so glad you will always have your keys and cell phone with you from now on! Really proud of your dedication! I cant believe what a "chef" you are becoming! Peach Pie! you will be ready to take over when you get home! Always remember how much I love you! XXoOXOoooXXxxxxoxoxoXOXOOOXXOOXO
This is really mom not Cynthia but I thought I would try out her account info! it worked!
Oh my gosh, that reminds me!!! My companion and I were knocking doors in a predio and we got locked inside too. Only for like 45 minutes. There was one person in the whole apartment and we'd knock on their door and explain and they would not help us at all!!! Finally my companion (who had only been there a couple weeks and still didn't speak too well) just let him have it in Portuguese and he finally came out and unlocked the door with his keys... good times.
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