HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! Holy cow it´s 2009! HaHa, so as most of you know I was down right terrified to celebrate New Years here…when ever we have parties at our house i´m usually ok, because I can sneak quietly into my room when no one´s looking, and find some peace and quiet all by myself. However the New Years celebration was at my grandparents house, so I was a little nervous and didn´t quiet know what to expect. My New Years Celebrations started when I headed to Xplorer to borrow money…I arrived right in time to help celebrate, and bring in an early New Year with them. We started by lighting our doll on fire, and watching it go up in flames, then we all had to run around it 9 times, with a suit case, wishing for happy travels….then you jump over it for good luck! Fire crackers were lit off, in the middle of the streets as we shouted FELIZ AÑO NUEVO! For weeks now, (even before Christmas) on the sides of the streets you have been able to buy the dolls, and then you buy little clown heads to put on los muñecos. So at about 8:30, we headed to my grandparents house…which is about an eight dollar taxi ride. (that’s how I measure everything now…how much it costs in a taxi.) every one was dressed up very nicely…however I decided to go in jeans because I was like…if i´m going to be forced to stay up all night…i´m going to be comfy about it..jaja. the taxi ride on the way to grandpa´s in and of it´s self was an adventure. The streets were lined with men dressed up as women. Tradition is that the old widow´s used to do this, to earn money once their husbands had passed away...now it´s just men...dressed up, and they look so aweosme...it was hard not to laugh. they string ropes across the street to stop the cars from passing, and then you have to pay before they´ll let you pass...one funny story, our taxi cab driver wasn´t paying attention and she (yes a she) totally smacked right into one of the dancers...it was hilarious! so we arrived at grandpa´s house, and immediately we were put to work to stuffing our doll, with shavings and news paper. (as you can see from the photos…those are my cousins….) we then went upstairs where I was put in charge of filling, and re filling, and serving the “drinks”.

Bringing in the New Year was the best. The old fashioned radio was turned on, and tuned to an old talk radio station. Heis said that for as long as he can remember they´ve brought in the New Year at Grandpa´s house, listening to this old guy. He went over a briefing of all the major things that have happened in 2008, and then with 50 seconds left we started counting down. (I struggled with that…) we all stood up, rice in our right hand, so that in the new year we´ll never be with out food, five cents in our right shoe, so that we´ll never be poor, and then…the yellow underwear…I didn´t have any so I had to do with out this, but supposedly everyone was wearing yellow underwear…they´re supposed to make you lucky, and to not jinx your love life in the year of 2009. We counted down and at exactly 12:00 everyone took a shot, (I of course had water…no worries) then we all went around the room hugging, everyone hugged everyone…and most started to cry. Oh and then we all had 12 grapes to eat…each representing a month in the year. With each grape you had to make a wish…the picture is of me and my cousin Israel, with our grapes…they´re huge here..i know! (and they have big nasty seeds)

We all then gathered out side to light our doll on fire, I tried to get a picture of the streets, just on our street there were probably 10 families all doing the same thing. Lighting the doll, (representing the old year, “año viejo”) dancing around it, and then of course jumping over it…as you can see from my picture! When we went back inside however…the power shut off…city wide block out through out all of Quito…so candles were lit, and we kept partying. I kinda liked the atmosphere once the candles were lit. fire works were going on all over the city and because all the street lights and every thing were out, you could really see them, and then everyone being together under candle light was kinda fun. All of my grandpa´s seven brother´s and sisters came…so in reality it was quite a large group. Instead of eating buffet style…because the power was out…us girls served people…I was the gravy girl. We at turkey, rice, potatoes, green salad, and postre de tres leches.
After everyone ate, we danced…the power came back on about two, while everyone was dancing…music and dancing is the life here in Ecuador…I think probably in any latin American countries…I guess that´s why it´s kinda weird there´s no fine arts classes, but anyway you put on music, and everyone starts dancing. Except it was kinda fun last night, grandpa put on his old record player, and we listened and danced to OLD music. About 4:00, I snuck into grandpa´s bedroom with the rest of the cousins, and we all (five of us) crammed into the bed. Where I slept until about eight…when Heis came in and woke me up and we started making our way home.
Heis didn´t drink last night…i´m not sure why…but I was sure grateful I wasn´t the only sober one. As I helped my mom out to the car she thought that my grandpa´s dog was Odee and tried to get him to come with us. Well grandpa´s dog is black and ode is white…?¿?¿?. everyone was pretty out of it…and so you guessed it…they´re all dead asleep today.

Overall…i´m very glad I survived…and I did have a great experience…don´t worry at two, I wished everyone an Idaho and Utah happy New Year also! My mom in the states suggested that I go into the NewYear celebration with an open mind, and pretend I was a reporter reporting what the Ecuadorians do for New Year…with that attitude…it really helped…and so my friends…I just want to wish you all a happy happy New YEAR! I love you all
Hasta Luego,
Emmy Ann
1 comment:
What fun traditions. You need to bring all those home and do them in Idaho next year. Also, the grapes, I forgot about them. I remember coming home from my mission and seeing grapes for the first time again and thinking how midgety looking they were. How funny. I'm glad you had such a good experience!
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