Monday, November 3, 2008

You Know you live in Ecuador When...

  • You can see your breath in the morning, at noon your stripping layers, and every day at four your drenched in rain.
  • every kitchen table never is with out NesCafe, lechecita, and pan
  • you can't shower with out asking to please turn the hot water on
  • you feel overwhelmed when you walk in the grocery store, because of the HUGE variety of fruits
  • your mind forgets the meaning of Fine Arts because every school is based on physics, biology, chemistry, math etc. etc.
  • you can go to a movie in English, but with spanish sub-titles
  • every kind of food you could EVER want can be delivered to your front door
  • your entire life revolves around taxi's and bus schedules
  • you have rice, and beans, and potatoes, with EVERY meal...
  • your contact lenses kill because of the high altitude
  • every scheduled meeting starts at a minimum of 30 minutes late...on fifteen minutes late...
  • they decorate for christamas before halloween
  • they have WHOLE stores dedicated to christmas ALL year long!
  • there are more pharmacies than grocery stores
  • you can buy fresh bread almost anytime, any where you want! (my personal favorite thing)
  • you have two recesses a day, with a "bar" full of cheep food at school
  • your outfits are already automatically picked out for you...(i just love plaid!!!)
  • you stand up when your teachers walk in and out of the room
  • if your teacher doesn't show up....FREE PERIOD, there's no such thing as subs here...
  • left overs mean bad luck

There are of course many many more i will continue to add, but these are just a few we thought of at this time. Of course Ecuador has it's little quirks and funny things...but it also has it's beauties and wonders...the mountains here are breath taking, it's costal regions are fantastic! and it's absolutely gorgeous on the top of the mountains looking down. The language is gorgeous, although challenging it's totally worth it. although the people are  a little too easy going at times, they are wonderful! I am so blessed to be here right now, i know that this is where i am supposed to be at this time in my life. Thank you for your thoughts, and prayers! i love you all!


Zoe said...

Hi Emily!!!! I love your blog!!!!!

Nick and Jess said...

Wow! Em, it sounds a lot like Portugal. The whole more farmacias than grocery stores, having to turn the hot water on before taking a shower, see every movie made in English, with Portuguese subtitles, what else, oh, fresh bread!!!! Yum!! I miss portuguese bread like no other, it seems like no one ever goes to school, they have saint holidays every week I swear. Thanks for the blog, it really reminded me of my mission!!!