“When upon life´s billows you are tempest tossed, when you are discouraged thinking all is lost. Count your many blessings, name them one by one, and it will surprise you what the Lord has done…”
Living in a different country so far away from the comforts of the country that I am used to has taught me so much, and has made me so grateful for all that I am blessed with, most things I never took the time to appreciate before. But because it is Thanksgiving time, I decided to make a list of all those things…(Grandpa Don would be soo proud I did this with out him having to ask me to ja ja)
• First, I am obviously grateful for Thanksgiving Day, and the symbolism it brings. It´s weird to be living some where where we don´t have a Day of Thanks. On Thanksgiving day here stores will still be open, school will still be in session, and people will still go to work. However the students at Xplorer are going on strike, and we aren´t going to school on the 27th. We tried to get a whole fall break, but couldn´t pull it off…oh well we´ll take what we can get. We´re going to have a huge feast, with all our families, also a talent show, and a desert contest, (this could be interesting given my interesting (eh amazing) cooking skills)
• I am grateful for my family. (Here, and in the States) I am grateful for my mom, and the desire she instilled in me to fly, and to chase after my dreams. I am grateful for my daddy, and the fact that no matter where I am, I am always his princess, he taught me the value of hard work and the determination to never give up. I am grateful for my louie and bud, for the ever present closeness I have with both of them. I am also grateful for my grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and the support that they give me now and through out my life.
• I am grateful for my family here, for Patty, Heis, and Kimberly. For their willingness to bring a stranger into the home, to open up to me, and to love me, and to give me the love that I am missing because I am so far away from home.
• I am grateful for modern technology and the blessing I have to so easily talk and keep in touch with everyone I love. Through my blog, emails, and phone calls, I never miss a thing, everyone keeps me very updated. I am also grateful for the mail system and the fact that I am able to receive letters, and packages from those who love me in the states.
• I am grateful for rice, and potatoes, yucca, soup, mora, grilled cheese sandwhiches, ritz crackers, nutella, lots and lots of chicken, fresh bread, fresh fruits, bottled water, apple cinnamon tea, and any other things that keep me from starving…
• I am thankful for the beautiful Spanish language, and the opportunity that I have to learn it.
• I am grateful for Hermana G., Elder and Sister Ward, Elder and Sister Ottosen, and all the other missionaries who teach me such great life lessons, take me under their wings, and help me to know what I can do this, one day at a time.
• I am grateful for the Colón Ward, for the church institute program, and for the scriptures all these things that keep me close to my Savior, and offer the support I need when I feel like I just can´t go on.
• I am grateful for Xplorer, for Sofy and Angy, and Goria, and for everyone else at the office. Who work hard to make sure we are all safe, happy, and having a good experience.
• I am grateful for all the friendships I have gained here, all friendships that will last a life time. For Zoe and Gabi especially. Two girls who share my dream, and together we three are able to support each other in this insane adventure.
• I am grateful for Natalie Larsen, who despite the fact thinks I am crazy, always keeps in touch with me, and helps me remember that I am not forgotten. She encourages, and keeps me going…through everything in life.
• I am grateful for my mom, again…she always sends me great emails, and even though this is hard on both sides she knows I can do this..and it´s weird but I almost think we´ve become closer through the distance…I will never take her for granted again.
• I am grateful to Lucy, Mari, and Mr. Leavitt, who instilled in me a love for Spanish, and encouraged me to follow my dreams.
• I am grateful for Kendell, who stepped into this knowing exactly what he was getting into, and yet stayed. And has become such a great reader, listener, and advice giver, and helps me more than I think he´ll ever know.
• I am grateful for Education. For the freedom I have to continue mine, not just in school but in life. For the opportunity I have to each day wake up and choose the person I want to be.
I could keep going but i´ve probably bored you all to death. However, I can actually testify to the song, “count your many blessings” some times being gone is SO dang hard, at times I am ready to pack my bags and call it quits and then I start to think of all the things I am blessed with and I realize ya know…life isn´t so bad. And I think you know this year really is such a short time, why would I waste it being sad???
I´ve lived here almost three months! It´s absolutely insane! Time is flying! The more things I get involved in the better…and the more I feel like I am making the best of my time. I started volunteering at the hospital. I work with a little three month old boy who´s mom just left him. For three or four hours a day I am his mommy. Here rich people go to Clinics, and the average people go to the Hospital. Its such an eye opening experience for me…also I got involved with institute here, and the single adult activities. And in December my ward is going to the temple! I am so excited!
At times it´s crazy to think I actually live here in Quito Ecuador. That this is actually where I am at this time in my life! As I go from day to day it´s weird to think that next year at thanksgiving, i´ll be back at Grandma Norma´s, i´ll walk down to feed calves at Gittin´s, and then the next day i´ll go and hunt Christmas trees, it´s only one year! Only one holiday season! And i´ll be back by the county fair, (and my birthday of course!)
Although I miss everyone SO much! I enjoy taking on all the challenges, and growing and learning in this beautiful country of Ecuador. I am only here once, and so while I am here I am making the best of it. I wish all of you a Happy Thanksgiving! Eat lots of pumpkin pie for me(they don´t have it here… and when you miss me just so dang much count your many blessings and know i´ll see you all soon! Until then thank you for all your thoughts and prayers! I miss you all! And love you even more!
Feliz Dia De Gracias,
Emily Ann
“He who recieveth all things with thankfulness, shall be made glorious” (D&C 78:19)
I am Kendell's sister that you never met and I just thought I would let you know that I read your blog and I am impressed with your desire to be there and learn so much. Richard uh I mean Kendell gave me your blog so I could learn more about you. Hope you are cool with that. Peace be the journey. I'm lame, I know.
aww... thanks!
I love you too!!!
we really have become close and we´re going to have to do some transcontinental trips when we get back... chose the gas, not the ice cream!
love ya
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