Sometimes when I am writing these blog entries i feel kinda selfish...i feel like i am just having a one way conversation with myself...about myself! but they kinda resemble my journal entries. Before i came here i was encouraged to keep a journal, and i have in hopes that the experiences i have here will never be forgotten.
Every day here in Quito is some sort of adventure. Whether its getting lost on the bus, or getting caught in the rain, or taking a filosofia test...or even getting your hair cut, no day can just be normal. but that´s what makes it exciting!
with each day i find my spanish getting better...and my new family is alot of help with that. although they all speak english we´ve yet to speak english in the house. yesterday at school i helped a teacher here with something in english. by the time we finished i think she really did understand! and i felt so great that my spanish is coming along well enough to help teach english.
Although living in the city has been very different for me (for example i have four keys just to get into my idaho i don´t think we even had keys..haha) every once in a while it does present it´s advantages. i can get anywhere i want for 12 cents on the bus or trolley, minus a little cluastrophobia. the views at night are spectacular the city reaches out farther than you can see and the lights snake around the mountains. because we live in an eternal spring here the mornings are crsip and clean and beautiful, and there´s always someone to talk to on the bus or trolle.
I just barely switched families, due to some problems with my last one. now I live very north of the city, where life slows down just a little bit. i live in a three bedroom apartment, it´s small but it´s WARM! and there is a huge supply of hot water, and a maid to do my laundry. i have one sister named Kimberly, and a brother named Heisemburg. oh and really cute little dog named Odee. although we all live kinda busy and crazy lives when we´re together it´s great and even though we´re busy when we´re together we´re really together. and they really like to try and include me in their different lives. Oh and Brian another student intercambio lives next door. when he´s in his kitchen, and i´m in mine, we can see eachother! so cool!
School is going good, each day i understand more and tune out less...however i will never take public educaton for granted again. Here we have to pay for our homework. The teachers run copies and then we have to pay him or her back for our assignments. Here in this culture by about the time students are 15 years old they´ve already decided what career they are going to study. so then in high school you choose what classes to take depending on this career. for example, students choose either to study classes focused on biology, or physics, chemistry, or philosophy...and then they study those classes all through high school and graduate with a specialty in for example physics. This is very difficult for someone who well, changes her mind EVERY day in what she wants to study in college!!!
The students her are geniuses! (i think that´s how that is spelt...haha) their whole lives they´ve studied in a way focused around math, graphs, numbers, money, etc. etc. then there´s me who has a creative brain...and i learn things more focused around art, and theater, and not only do i struggle with the language barrier but i also struggle with the different subjects, and the way they are taught. i´m living in a country where being different is discouraged, and blending in is prefered. a country where students are molded into being mathmatician robots, and then there´s me, blonde, whiter than perma white, artsy, craftsy, and religeous. and trying to find my place in the mold of ecuadorians! (and trying to avoid math at all costs...can you get ANY more opposite?) but for some reason i love it!
When i came here i was warned
I am so grateful for all of my many blessings. for my family here, and in the states. for my friends here and abroad. For the gospel, and the missionaries. I am so grateful I have these things in my life, even though i am all the way here in Ecuador. And most of all i am so grateful the opportunity i have to be here! Thank you to all those who support me, and for you prayers, emails, letters, and just thinking about me! i love you all!
¡hasta luego!
ps..sorry about bad spelling, grammar, or bad punctuation...ít´s hard typing on these keyboards! haha
Sounds like you are having a lot of fun! Being in a different country is so eye opening, isn't it!
Hey Em-
It is so fun that you have a blog. It sounds like you are really having an adventure. I'm glad things are working out with your host family!! This is a great way to keep in touch so check out my blog too!!
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