Hey Everyone, i am so sorry i haven't blogged for a while, you see we haven't had internet and it's a little tricky to blog in an internet cafe. at least for me, i'm one that has to sit down where it's nice and quiet and really plan out what i am going to say, so before i get too carried away i decided i needed to back up to last weekend to catch everyone up!
because i am leaving so soon my family finally kicked it in to gear and started arranging lots of fun things that i should do before i go home. Last saturday we went to the Cascadas Del Pita (Pita Waterfalls). just getting there was quite the adventure! we had to take three busses, and then a camioneta up to the top of the mountain.

After we got up there we started our hike. it was about 3 miles in 3 miles back covering a gorgeous mountain range which has 28 waterfalls. it was a beautiful hike, once again the vegetation of Ecuador amazes me! this time i found myself hiking through dense moss and beautiful aspin like trees. the roots stuck out all over the ground, and at times there wasn't a trail at all and we had to just walk right through the river.

at the end of the trail we reach the Big Cascada of Pita and it was gorgeous!!! definately worth the hike.
Ecuador continues to amaze me everyday. it really is the only size of about colorado and yet in just two hours in different directions you can be in different climates, with different vegetation. it's amazing!!!!

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